OLLO Behind the scene

Improvements requested by our community are the ones that always lead our research and development team in their quest to perfect our headphone models. Today we are going to talk about how we approached the improvements of acoustics and sound isolation.

What is good, and what is bad comfort? Just as we don't have a consensus on what a cool, soft, relaxing, smooth sofa, actually is, we don't have a consensus on what airy light and comfy headphones actually are. Here is how we go about it.

In this episode, we take a look at the S4R 2018 model, make a list of features that were well accepted by the community, and also the list that we are even more interested in - the list of things we have to change.

Setting K-monitoring using S4X headphones requires some basic math and understanding of sensitivity information. In this video you'll see the "hands on" process of setting that up by using RME interface and S4X studio headphones.