OLLO Behind the scene

Because I do tour a lot, my workflow needs to be flexible enough to allow me to work mobile while still making the same critical listening decisions I would make at a world-class recording studio. Meet Nelson:My name is Nelson...
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Rok Gulič was accepted to Primorski Technology Park a few years back as an entrepreneur with an idea, nothing more. With their help, the idea turned into a real startup and once the production started OLLO had to move to new offices. Now after three years, the opportunity to move back arises and OLLO takes it by the horns.

It's been a while since we've started developing the S4X headphones. During this period, we've also made a step forward in our measurement process of headphones. In collaboration with Dewesoft, we established a new way of measuring every headphone in...
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Author: Stefano Ianne Music therapy is a wide term, combining different aspects of music in relation with neurophysiology. With a group of professionals from different areas, I've combined my expertise as a composer with new possibilities that technology offers us, to create...
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In this vlog, Rok talks about first impressions of S4X Reference headphones with OLLO Ambassadors, experienced audio engineers, William Robertson (Nicki Minaj, Mick Jagger, …) and Marc Urselli (Foo Fighters, U2, …). Find out about S4X's less boxy feel, the...
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