Register your headphones & enter the backstage

If you've recently purchased OLLO headphones, whether directly from our web store or a third-party retailer like Amazon, Thomann, Gear4music, or others, you’ll need to register your product. This quick guide will walk you through the process.

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How to Install the USC II Plugin for OLLO Audio Headphones
Introduction This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing the USC 2 plugin to calibrate your OLLO Audio headphones. 00:00 intro00:24 registering01:00 login01:30 calibration file downlaod and redeem code02:40 plugin installer03:05 redeem from Realphones03:50 virtual soundcard setting up04:47...
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Squashed membranes are no good for your mix!
In this EP No. 38, we'll explore how air, not impact, destroys speakers. After comparing their sound with undamaged ones, it's clear they're compromised. A short sound demo is included, so you can take alisten yourself.Opening them reveals a crumpled...
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Why L/R matters on the S5X studio headphones?
Today, we're diving into an important topic for all audiophiles and studio professionals: why left and right channels matter on headphones, especially with our S5X studio headphones. 🎧   Understanding Stereo vs. Mono Sound   First off, let's talk about...
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